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Assorted Crystals

Energy Insights & Alignment

Whether you are interested in unblocking or balancing your chakras, releasing stuck emotions, reducing your stress, sleeping better, changing a behavior or habit, or straight up want to feel healthier and happier - This is exactly what you've been looking for. 


What is it?

REIKI (ray-key) is a Japanese technique that uses life force energy to promote healing. The idea is that unseen 'life force energy' flows through each of us and is what causes us to be happy & healthy or stressed & sick.


Chakras are the energy centers of the body that are thought to be spinning wheels of life energy. There are 7 major chakras and when they are running at optimal levels, provide subtle energy that help your mind, body, and spirit work cohesively to keep you balanced and at your best. 


Hypno-meditation is a combination of two powerful and transformative techniques - hypnosis and meditation. This modality allows us to create a deep sense of relaxation, clearing your mind in order to create positive change.


I use REIKI to analyze, clear, and balance your chakra system. I will be able to tell you which Chakras are not functioning well, if they are under or over active. You don't need to be present. When you register I ask a couple of questions regarding your current state of mental and physical health, as well as, what your intentions are for the session.


Then what?

We will meet virtually. We will talk through my findings. During that session I will also do an Intuitive Card Reading. Based on my analysis and our meeting, I will send you a detailed PDF report AND a custom hypno-meditation that will move you towards your goals. Both are designed specifically for you. The report includes an in-depth explanation of each chakra, what I found in my analyzation, and suggestions for improvement. The hypno-meditation is an audio file that I will share with you to listen to as you fall asleep at night.


What are the benefits?

The biggest benefit of this session is to create momentum towards the change that you are looking for. This often provides an increased sense of health and wellbeing, improved sleep, a reduction in stress and anxiety, improved self-esteem, a decrease in headaches, the release of stuck emotions, and potentially most importantly, clarity and empowerment.


What is the cost?

You have 2 options:

  • If you have a high level of self-awareness and have some experience with spiritual practices you may find that the initial analyzation/clearing along with our meeting, report, and hypno-meditation are exactly what you need. The cost is $200.

  • If this is new to you or you would like support to be sure that you get the full impact you will receive 30 days of text/email support, a second virtual meeting, and a second customized hypno-meditation. The cost is an additional $150.​

I'm ready for a change!

Complete the following form and choose your plan. You'll receive an email with a link to schedule the initial session.

Select an item ($)
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