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5 Steps for Successful Visualization

(Blog 2 of 3)

Last week we set an intention. This week we’re going to visualize that intention. Next week, we’ll pull it all together with manifestation.

Visualization is used to motivate you, to focus on, and work toward your future ideal state. Exactly what is visualization? Easy, it’s just the practice of imagining what you want to achieve. It’s a cognitive tool for accessing imagination to realize all aspects of an object, action, or outcome. In other words, visualization creates a clear connection to your future. It activates the law of attraction by connecting you to the ‘right’ people, resources, and circumstances. It also helps our brain to send to our body the message to start behaving in a way that is consistent with the images we have created. If you read my email about the lessons from Sister Circle, you already know that consistency is key. You can sign up for my email here.

This mental exercise is just as important as any physical exercise that you might do. It is used by elite athletes, stroke victims for recovery, and students to overcome test anxiety. Just this weekend I attended my 11 year old niece's gymnastics competition. Those girls mean business. We sat right in front of the balance beam and got to watch them warm up. Guess what they did during warm ups? They stood on the beam performing ‘mini’ motions but you could see they were visualizing themselves completing it successfully. It was amazing and exactly what I’m talking about. PRACTICE & ADJUSTMENTS = ACHIEVEMENT.

Now let’s use these 5 steps to successfully visualize the intention that you set last week. Or create a new one. If you’d like to review the blog for intention setting, it’s here:

  1. Imagine what it is that you want. Write it down. In detail. Be unapologetic in what you are asking for. You don’t receive what you don’t put out there as a desire. Engage all of your senses. What do you hear, see, smell, taste? Continue adding details until it feels real to you. Live the experience.

  2. Imagine the emotion that you will feel when you achieve your intent. How exactly do you feel? The more you can feel what it will be like, the more you’ll believe that it can be attained. Making it more likely that you’ll act toward the intent.

  3. Take action everyday towards your goal. What actions will propel you forward - big or small? Act on those every single day. Know that there will be setbacks. Prepare for them and visualize yourself moving past them.

  4. Expand your knowledge. If you need more information, find it. Do your research: take a class, read the book, listen to a podcast. Use that knowledge to add detail to your visualization and apply it to your actions.

  5. Make the time to Visualize. A couple of minutes each day. As soon as you wake up and right before you go to sleep is the most impactful but anytime is better than no time. This will keep your mind focused on the intention. Just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine the vision that you created in step 1.

Don’t complicate the process, keep it simple. Next week we’ll focus on manifesting the intention, including visualization. I uploaded a Coherent Breathwork Audio on YouTube. Use it before visualizing to get yourself into the right mindset. You can also use it for relaxation, reducing anxiety, or improving focus.

Here’s my caveat. We should always be working towards our goals or intentions. But know that they don’t always align with the needs of the universe. Or sometimes we are standing in the way of our purpose, so it is important to be open. If your intentions are for good, the universe will deliver. However, you need to be open to more, better, different. Don’t be afraid to state your intention or desire, be unapologetic, and add the words ‘or better’ to open yourself to the possibilities.

Local friends – There is still time to register for Sister Circle. This is a space for women to come together. It is 4 Sunday afternoons January through April. This is a time for us to let go of overwhelm, prioritize ourselves, relax, and learn a little something from 3 different experts. Don’t miss it!! More information and registration here:

DM me with your intention and how your visualization is going. If you have questions or would like help with any of the above steps just let me know. I love connecting with all of you! Reach out to me through social media, my website, or email

All the best,

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