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6 Steps to Cut the Noise: Finding Success Without Being Everything to Everyone

Let’s face it ladies. We live in a fast paced world. Caught in a whirlwind of constantly striving for more, to be more, to do more. Juggling responsibilities - stuck in this rut of managing ‘the house’, the family, the kids, career, and every other thing. Trying to find the most basic joy and happiness. I have news for you. It’s time to cut through the noise and embrace a more balanced approach so we can prioritize our well-being, set realistic goals, and maybe even some healthy boundaries.

  1. Redefining Success. We live in a culture that equates success with non-stop hustle, super packed schedules, and a never ending to do list. Those things just show everyone how successful I am. Right?? Maybe not so much. True success might be better defined as personal fulfillment, happiness, or overall well-being. We really need to start thinking about shifting from external validation to internal satisfaction. What truly matters to you? What brings you joy or a sense of purpose? Success is not a one size fits all concept. It is unique to each person. What does it look like for you?

  2. The Fallacy of Overachievement. I admire women who are ambitious and driven. I think those are admirable traits. I also think there are people who call me ambitious and driven. It took me a little longer than it should have but what I’ve discovered is that the constant grind, always striving for more, being an overachiever can have negative consequences. The pressure (usually self imposed) to excel in every aspect of our lives can result in chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout. Success does not always mean being the best at everything, but is more about finding the balance that allows you to excel in the areas that truly matter…to you. It’s OK to acknowledge you have limitations and that it is perfectly acceptable to prioritize and focus on what brings you satisfaction and fulfillment. Don’t forget, those things will change with the seasons in your life!

  3. The Power of Realistic Goal-Setting. Now that you’ve prioritized based on your own fulfillment and happiness it is time to set the goals. This is a key component to achieving success without sacrificing your well-being. Instead of overwhelming yourself with an endless list of tasks (procrastination anyone??) identify the couple of goals that align with your values and aspirations. Break them down into smaller, actionable steps and celebrate each milestone along the way. By focusing on achievable goals, you’ll feel a sense of progress and motivation without the weight of unattainable expectations. Please remember: it is not about doing everything. It is about doing the right things!

  4. Setting Boundaries. As women, especially if you have a family and a career, we find it challenging to establish boundaries between work and personal life. But, finding and maintaining that balance is essential for overall happiness and long-term success. Learn to say no to tasks that don’t align with your priorities or that you find consistently drain your energy. Communicate your boundaries clearly to colleagues, family, and friends. Make sure that you are allocating dedicated time for self-care, hobbies, and relaxation. This is NOT selfish. This is self-preservation. Taking care of yourself means that you get to show up more fully in all areas of your life.

  5. Embracing Imperfection. I’m speaking my own truth on this one! Perfectionism is THE roadblock on the path to success. The endless pursuit of perfection is both mentally and emotionally exhausting. Accept that mistakes and setbacks are a natural setback of any journey. Recognize that failing isn’t failure, it is an opportunity for growth. Embrace the imperfections, learn from mistakes, celebrate progress. By letting go of unrealistic expectations, you’ll find more joy and freedom in pursuing your goals. Please hear me - the progress you make and the lessons you learn along the way are what really matter.

  6. Cultivating Self-Care. According to Katie Reed, “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, not the rest of you.” That, my friend, is the cold, hard truth. In the midst of running our home/families, managing careers and all of the other responsibilities, our own self-care often takes a backseat. I get it, it’s easy to say those things are a priority but when you look at Katie’s statement and let it sink in know that when you run yourself into the ground, everyone around you is truly getting what is left over. Certainly not you at your best. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Maybe that is taking a walk, spending time in nature, meditation, a hot bath, a hobby that you enjoy, or just a break to relax and recharge. Find time for activities, maybe people, that fill your cup, that bring you joy. This is an investment, not only for your happiness and success but also for everyone that you serve.

It is absolutely crucial that you cut through the noise and redefine what success means to you. The never ending hustle and grind for the pursuit of “success” is only leading us to stress, burnout, and leaving us unfulfilled. By setting realistic goals, establishing boundaries, embracing our imperfections, and prioritizing our own self-care, we can navigate our journey more effectively and find success that aligns with our values and well-being. Remember, it is not about doing it all, it’s about doing what truly matters to you and finding balance along the way. By cutting the noise and embracing a more balanced approach, you’ll discover that true success lies in living a life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and aligned with your authentic self. Give it a try!

If you have questions or would like to share your experience, reach out: For a free video lesson from me on “Stopping the negative loop” sign up for my email list at

All the best!

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