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Action vs Outcome: Who do you want to be?

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. With the new year upon us it seems as if the world is pressuring us to make resolutions or to set goals because we are obviously not good enough as we are. I’m really over all of that. The pressure, the negativity, the fact that resolution setting rarely works. It rarely works because it is based on willpower and deprivation.

Even so, the new year offers us the opportunity to examine who we are and how we are measuring up to our own desires. Personally, with the push to make new year resolutions, set goals, evaluate my personal and professional lives, the theme that has been resonating with me is ACTION VS OUTCOME. Do your actions lead to the outcomes that you were aiming for? Just as important - Did your actions lead to the outcome in a way that serves you and those that you serve? Are you happy with how you treated yourself and those around you? Are you even taking the right actions to obtain your desired outcome?

Setting resolutions or goals often doesn’t work because you are too focused on the outcome. Not the actions that are necessary to achieve success in the outcome. For example, if you set the goal of losing weight. OK. But rather than focus on the outcome let’s instead set an intention to change food/nutrition and add movement to your life. Be specific and realistic: I will eat protein with every meal, I will eat 3 fruits/veggies every day, I will cut back on processed foods. I will move a minimum of 6,000 steps everyday and strength train twice a week. Just examples, but you see the difference. Action vs. Outcome.

Let’s do the work. Reflection, intention, action.


Forget about past/failed goals. Forget about previous resolutions. Let’s take a good look at where you are right now. Ask yourself a couple of questions. You can either just take the time to think about the answers or free write the responses in a journal – free writing can be incredibly powerful in getting down and dirty with the real answers!

Reflection Questions:

  • Who do I want to be?

  • What matters most in my life and what do I want for my future?

  • Am I living true to myself?

  • How are my current actions supporting or derailing that person?

  • What fears are related to those questions?


Based on your reflection and what you’d like to change, let's set 1 intention. It can be a tangible action that will lead you toward an outcome. I.e., I will move for at least 30 minutes every day. Or it could be something more subjective that leads you towards being the person you’d like to be such as I will focus on gratitude.


Clarify your intention: Be clear about the action here. Movement - I will move for at least 30 minutes every day. Gratitude - I will spend 5 minutes each day journaling gratitude or I will express gratitude to others at least 3 times per day.

Write it down: whatever intention you chose, write it down. Put it in your journal, post it somewhere that you will see every day, make a note in your phone. You want to call your attention to your intention on a regular basis. Also – say it out loud. Every damn day.

Visualize your intention: Imagine what it might look like and what it will feel like. Feel it, see it, listen to it. Let it be real.

Create an affirmation: This is a clear, positive statement that will strengthen the intention and make it a reality. I.e., I move every day, or I express gratitude daily. Say your affirmation out loud several times a day. Every day. You can also post this around your house, so you are reminded of it regularly.

Release the pressure: Set your intention and then let go of expectations. Give it space and positive energy. Enjoy it, look for and acknowledge the optimism that accompanies the action.

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be releasing additional blog posts, meditations, and breathwork sessions that support you to follow through on your intention. We’re putting the pieces of the puzzle together for you to live #YourLifeBetter, it will be so powerful! I’m so excited to see the outcomes.

Local friends – There is still time to register for Sister Circle. This is a space for women to come together. It is 4 Sunday afternoons January through April. This is a time for us to let go of overwhelm, prioritize ourselves, relax, and learn a little something from 3 different experts. Don’t miss it!! More information and registration here:

Comment on a social media post or DM me if you have questions or would like help with any of the above steps! I love connecting with all of you! Reach out to me through social media, my website, or email

All the best,

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