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Balance for Busy Women

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

I call it balance. Some people call it mindfulness. I think they are not exactly the same, more like one leads to the other. But here is the deal. Being a woman trying to achieve success in all facets of her life is no joke. If we are off kilter, out of balance, unfocused on the ‘right’ priorities, we aren’t living our best life. That’s where exhaustion, overwhelm, and lack of joy come to play. I’ve been there. I work on it - towards it - every single day.

So, what is balance?

Balance refers to the state of being in harmony and stability. Having the ability to manage our responsibilities, to prioritize our time and energy, and maybe most importantly to maintain a sense of well-being.

Being out of balance can feel like you have too much work and not enough time. It can mean that you are feeling stressed and neglecting your own health and well being. Like you are doing a shit job of managing all of your responsibilities and not feeling like you have your act together. Like you are constantly running on empty. Can I get an amen??

So, how do we get to a state of balance?

This is where mindfulness practices come in. That could be as easy as setting healthy boundaries, prioritizing self-care, or taking time to relax and recharge. Each person is different and it can change as the seasons in your life change. It could be meditating everyday, getting outside, exercising, listening to uplifting music, whatever creative outlet floats your boat, spending time with friends, or just having some quiet time. Who hasn’t locked themselves in the bathroom for 5 minutes of solitude, just me??

Here is what you can get from incorporating mindfulness with the goal of achieving balance:

  1. Improved mental health: Having balance in our lives helps reduce stress and anxiety, and can improve our overall mental health.

  2. Better physical health: When we are balanced, we are able to prioritize self-care and engage in healthy habits, which can have a positive impact on our physical health.

  3. Increased productivity: When we have balance, we are able to prioritize our time and energy effectively, leading to increased productivity and better results in our personal and professional lives.

  4. Better relationships: When we have balance, we are able to maintain healthier relationships with our loved ones, as we have more time and energy to invest in these important connections.

  5. Increased sense of fulfillment: When we have balance, we are able to pursue our passions and interests, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in our lives.

How amazing does that sound?

Creating and achieving balance does not mean that you have to sacrifice any area of your life for another. It does not mean that you are selfish for focusing on yourself. It means that you are prioritizing yourself so that you can better serve your family, your work, your community, and yourself!

Over the next couple of weeks we’re going to dig a little deeper into the idea of balance and how to get ourselves to a point of being less overwhelmed, having better health, feeling more fulfilled, and most importantly, creating more joy.

The time has come. Make yourself a priority. Show up for yourself. You deserve it.

Here is a free meditation to get you started. Enjoy it and leave a comment or send me a message letting me know what you got out of it!

All the best,

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