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Don’t Ask Questions Unless You Really Want the Answer

So many life lessons are learned through our own experiences as a parent. Just when you think you know everything that you need and can help the little buggers navigate the world, they smack you right in the face with a lesson that you maybe should have already known. My middle son, who is incredibly funny and smart and usually a pretty good time also tested every boundary. He was not afraid to push back and look at things from a different perspective. I mostly loved that about raising him. And because I have a pretty open relationship with each of the boys, he also taught me the very important lesson of not asking a question unless I really wanted the truth. Cause he would tell me. Sometimes, it just might be better to keep your head in the sand!

This statement of ‘Don’t ask the questions that you don’t want the answer to’ has been coming to me for the past several months from so many different fronts that I know I am supposed to be talking to you about it in regards to your own wellness and self-care, but also maybe in the context of being open to new and different.

It’s important for us to look at this from a couple of different angles. The first is authenticity. I talk about this a lot. In order to find any kind of joy or happiness or fulfillment, you have to be the person that you were meant to be. That means that you have to present your true self, your character, your personality, and your style to the world. You can’t hide behind what you believe are the expectations of others out of fear of judgement. You do you, you be you. Even if that includes funky hair, tattoos, piercings, whatever it is that makes you happy and feels genuine. This is truly about being vulnerable, and letting go of other people’s expectations, your own self-doubt and fear in order to be the person that you are meant to be. When you embrace that authenticity, you step into your power and align with your deepest values and desires. You create space for genuine connections, meaningful relationships, and personal growth. Be unapologetically you and encourage others to do the same!

Another aspect of this is control and surrender. In reality, control is an illusion that leaves you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected. If you (like me) have perfectionist tendencies and want to control ALL of the things in order for them to be done ‘correctly’ you are doing yourself and those around you a huge disservice. It turns out that you’re not perfect, and no one is expecting you to be. It also turns out that if you surrender some of that control, it is not about failing or giving up – it’s about getting out of your own way. It’s about trusting that you are not the end all/be all and there just might be something much larger at play. Letting go can be about opening yourself to new possibilities, unexpected opportunities, and a sense of fulfillment. Who would have thought???

And here is where my hippy woo comes in. Maybe this is about something much larger than any one of us. Maybe this has some sort of spiritual basis. There is a whole realm that many of us haven’t paid any attention to, a world of infinite possibilities, insights, and transformations. Are you ignoring signs that are right in front of you or do you feel like you are supposed to be exploring something more? Maybe you should be looking into a modality like meditation or something related to energy or healing? Are you feeling like you aren’t living up to your own expectations? Do you feel like you are missing out on something? Have a calling to do more or different? But, the biggest question of them all is – what aren’t you asking?

What I am pushing you towards here is not always an easy journey. You’re busy, tired, and have too many responsibilities to focus on one more thing. But, if you navigate this path, these possibilities, with ease and grace, transformation and self-discovery will find you. It's time to focus on you. Be the person that you want to be. Do the things that you want to be doing. It is time for you to be your best self.

I’m here for you.



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