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Love Yourself = Love Your Life??

Brace yourself. We’re digging a little deeper into my hippy woo and a belief system that will bring your attention to your heart, which in turn brings positive energy to your body and your life. If you are feeling underwhelmed and disconnected, if you are juggling career, family, ALL of the responsibilities, you are often left with little or no time for self-reflection or self-love. How do we change that? One of the best places to start is the Heart Chakra. Talk about having the ability to create transformation and bring a profound sense of fulfillment and joy? And…I mean, it’s February. The month of love, the time is now, right?

Now you’re saying, heart what? So, I guess we should start with what is a chakra, let alone a heart chakra….

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel, or cycle. They are points of energy throughout your body. From a spiritual perspective, they are not only physical and mental, but they are also considered an energetic system. When your chakras are in balance, your life energy is able to move through them and connect you to the world around you. They provide energy that helps your organs, your mind, and your intellect work together to allow you to be at your best. There are 7 main chakras that start at the base of your spine and move through the crown of your head. I love this article that explains all of the chakras in more depth, but also has a great graphic to help you visualize them.

The heart chakra is the fourth energy system, located – you guessed it – right in the center of your chest. It is connected to your heart and lungs and is tied to your cardiovascular system. It is considered to link compassion, empathy, trust, passion, and of course, love for self, and love for others. When your heart chakra is in balance it fosters a connection with yourself, with others, and creates the ability to give and receive love. Being out of balance can cause anger, trust issues, anxiety, fear, and moodiness. It can stop us from having meaningful relationships, stop us from forgiving, and create a sense of isolation. Some will link an out of balance heart chakra to high blood pressure, respiratory issues, and tension in the chest.

Sooooooo……balancing the heart chakra essentially means that we are opening ourselves to a life filled with love, joy, maybe purpose, and even fulfillment??? Sounds like we definitely want to balance this area. How do we even start? It’s so much easier than you would think.

Color: The heart chakra is associated with the color green. A soft, spring, green grass is the color I visualize. Some also see a soft pink, whichever you choose is fine. Surround yourself with the color, incorporate it into your wardrobe, spend time in nature, and be aware of the little reminders all around you.

Crystals and Stones: Emerald, green aventurine, and rose quartz can be worn, carried, or placed strategically by your bedside, on your desk, or wherever you spend time. Believe it or not, stones have the power to change your energy and clear blockages.

Essential Oil: Jasmine, bergamot, lime, and spearmint all infuse love and positivity into your daily life. They are easy enough to diffuse or even dab on. Something so small can quickly cause a shift into balance! I really love watching these work.

Meditation: It wouldn’t be me talking if I didn’t add a little meditation! A couple of minutes in quiet, focused on the heart center, visualizing a green radiant light with each breath. Use a guided meditation or a ‘love’ megahertz frequency as the background music. However it works for you, just reinforce the thoughts of love and self-love.

Affirmations: Use positive daily affirmations to affirm your worthiness of love and joy! Use mantras along the lines of ‘I love and accept myself completely’, or ‘I freely give and receive love’. This reinforces the idea that you are deserving and capable.

Movement: Intentionally breathing into your heart chakra and having positive thoughts will unblock the negative energies. Moving your body will help to release it, allowing you to embrace the positive and create balance in the chakra. Walking, yoga, Qi Gong, find what works for you.

Relationships: This is a biggie. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Step back from relationships that leave you feeling down or straight up negative. Find and foster connections that you find uplifting and inspiring.

Integrate these practices into your day to cultivate love, compassion, and connection. The connection will manifest with both you and the world around you. Not only will it lift you up, but it will also lift those around you. It will lead you straight into emotional balance, harmony, and even a sense of your own boundaries. This equates to not only a life that is filled with love, joy, and meaningful connections but also your ability to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience!

As always, I love to hear from you. Reach out via email or social media. Let me know if you have questions or something that you want to hear more about.

If you haven’t already, sign up for my email list to get a free alignment assessment and to be the first to hear about what I have going on.

And….finally. I will soon be releasing a self-paced workshop called Redefine Radiance: A Woman’s Workshop for Self-Care. This is all about loving yourself so you can live your best life! Keep your eyes open, it’s gonna be great!! Maybe the perfect Valentine's gift to yourself?


All the best,




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