I really thought I would be rolling into April talking to you about how it’s time for growth and renewal, love, and happiness. After all, we’re moving into the Spring season. Lots of fresh air and pretty flowers are coming our way. Turns out, that is not where we are at right now and we can’t let this fester.
Something really interesting has been coming up for me this month. I don’t like it, and given my interactions over the last several weeks, I know that I’m not alone. So, we’re going to work together to address it. Here it is: I’m mad. The first weekend in March I spent time with some amazingly beautiful women and I distinctly remember catching myself sharing ‘what I’m mad about’ and being surprised that those were my words. It has continued to come and go all month long. Here I am, the last day of March (as I write this) and I.AM.MAD. My poor husband. lol
If I’m not actively mad at a given moment, it takes exactly .1 second to make me mad. I’m talking about being mad. I NEVER walk around talking about being mad. Typically, I get mad, I address it, and I move on. I am an Aries after all – full of fire and not afraid to speak my mind. 😊 But I definitely don’t hold space for judgement and anger. What’s worse? I’m not alone. So many of you are sharing very similar experiences. You are stressed. You are feeling taken advantage of. You are feeling like the only person pulling your weight. You are feeling like it is impossible to be the person that you want to be and to accomplish the things you believe that you are capable of.

Hold onto your hat, we’re going to dip our toes into the hippy woo for a minute because I believe that we are here for a reason. On April 8th some of us will be in the trajectory of the Great North American Eclipse – from Texas to Maine. Even USA Today is talking about the mental and emotional impact of this eclipse. They are saying things like this phenomena can cause a range of emotions that include fear, awe, or feeling out of balance. They are also saying that this specific eclipse can negatively affect mental health, mood swings, depression, and irrational behavior. Now, I’m not saying that if it’s in USA Today it’s true, but isn’t interesting that a mainstream news source is essentially leaning into the hippy woo!
I wholeheartedly believe that what we are experiencing revolving around this anger has everything to do with this upcoming eclipse and the energies that surround it. I believe that it is creating an environment – a vibration – that increases our subconsciousness awareness of these emotions and our intuition which is causing us to feel amped up.
What are you going to do about it? You’re going to face it – head on – you are going to embrace the change, the magic, and the work that you need to do, just like the strong, amazing sisters that you are! You are going to treat this as a moment in time that allows you to reflect and grow.
You’re going to start by:
Confronting any lingering shame that you are holding onto.
This feeling of shame is bullshit. Get rid of it once and for all. It is probably coming from your own insecurities, secrets, mistakes, or even perceived flaws. You might need to take responsibility, acknowledge any wrong-doing, or make amends. Apologize if necessary and move on. You are done holding onto this.
2. Clarifying your vision and ditching the roadblocks.
This isn’t necessarily about visualizing who you want to be or what you want to do. This is about seeing yourself as you are. Asking yourself who you are, how you behave, how you treat others, and answering honestly. Are they the answers that you were looking for? Yes? Cool. No? Change it. That is your decision. Small changes have big and lasting impacts.
3. Clearing your space.
This is where you are going to get out of your own way! Use your creative outlets to work through this. Paint, dance, journal, meditate, walk. Move the energy in your body and let the negativity out.
Along the way you are going to practice mindfulness and self-care. You are going to give yourself the space and grace to rest!
Use your crystals – any of the black ones. I wear a gorgeous 4 carat black onyx everyday. I do it as a form of protection, and bonus, it was an anniversary gift that I adore! Another one of my favorites is black tourmaline. It is known for removing negative energies and providing you with mental sharpness. Throw in a selenite which is known for promoting peace, calmness, mental clarity, and well-being all while removing negative energies. The black tourmaline and selenite is a power packed duo that I keep on hand at all times!
Maybe some essential oils? A combination of orange, neroli, and bergamot is a natural way to clear negative energy in you and your space. It will uplift you by removing the negativity and fostering a positive ambiance. Plus, it smells really good!! You can wear it or diffuse it to include those around in the benefits.
You are right where you need to be. This is your time to reflect on how you are feeling, release the crap that isn’t serving you, and move forward in a way that makes you feel better and brings you joy. You deserve it. Hear that again. You.Deserve.It!
I love to hear from you – what’s going well and what do you need help with?
If you haven’t checked it out yet, my self-care workshop Redefining Radiance, is ready for purchase (only $44) and is getting great reviews. Talk about perfect timing! Learn what you are missing in terms of taking care of you so that you can do it just a little better. All so that you can feel better, be better, and serve better! https://www.drtanyab.com/ppselfcare
Here is an article on the eclipse that I enjoyed – The Effect of a Lunar Eclipse on your Mind, Body, and Soul. https://foreverconscious.com/effect-lunar-eclipse-mind-body-soul
All the best,
