Interestingly enough, this month’s card falls right in line with my spiritual almanac, AND the topic that I wanted to cover this month! The power of 3 means that the stars have aligned and this is about to hit home for all of you!! We’re going to focus on letting go of what either hasn’t been working for you or maybe even what you’ve lost, and focusing on taking care of yourself so that you can Be Yourself – Believe in Yourself.
The almanac essentially tells us that summer is fading away and the vibrant, gorgeous colors of fall are moving in making this the perfect time for you to pause, reflect, and prepare for a new beginning. It is an invitation for you to let go of the BS that isn’t serving you and prioritize yourself for a change so you can embrace who you want to be, who you truly are.
The September Oracle card that I pulled for you is Freeing the Threads of Connection. This card is about feeling supported while letting go. Whatever it is that you need to let go of – some sort of loss – a relationship, a loved one, a job, children heading to college, habits or patterns that just aren’t working. Or ummmm, how about shedding some limiting beliefs or values that are holding you back??? This kind of change typically isn’t comfortable. It usually comes with some resistance (or a lot of it) but if you are looking for more, this is absolutely necessary.
So, if we put those things together and add the topic that I really wanted to talk about – the foundations of self-care, we are getting somewhere. We are getting to this new season – the season of life where you are going to prioritize you so you can finally create some sense of peace and joy and figure out what it is you’ve been missing.
Let’s start with REDEFINING ENOUGH. As women we do this really interesting bit where we feel like we are way too much – too loud, too pushy, too needy, too obnoxious (that one might just be me!) and at the same time not enough – not successful enough, not smart enough, not fast enough, not meeting expectations as a professional, a partner, a mother – all of the things! You really need to take a good, hard look at who set your expectations, where the judgement is coming from and redefining what your values are.
If I’m guessing correctly, your values are going to include being successful within your profession, raising great and loved kids, and a happy partnership. Then somewhere down the line you add oh, and me too – I want to take better care of myself.
Living authentically is the reason that I want you to dig deep into these values. So many women that I talk to have lost sight of themselves. You are so busy caring for everyone and everything that you forget who you are, what you enjoy, what drives your happiness. It gradually turns into this numb feeling that accumulates over time and then one day you wake up and realize that your life leaves a lot to be desired. As soon as that happens you have a choice to make. You can either let it be and likely never turn it around, just live in that dissatisfaction or crankiness. Or you can change it.
If you have the strength and courage to make the change – even in small shifts – you will find that the move to authenticity creates a sense of confidence that resonates with people around you. It will attract positive relationships and opportunities. You will make better decisions. That is because you will make decisions that align with your values and goals. They will feel better. You will become more resilient. Because you will now be grounded in your value and self-worth you navigate challenges with ease and grace. You will gain clarity to determine what it is that you really want out of life. This is powerful stuff! I’ll share the impact of making this change in my life in an upcoming podcast, so tune in!

And…I know what you’re thinking - OK Tanya, lots of pretty words and big promises. How in the world does that even happen?? Well, back to the values. You need to spend some time reflecting on yours. Actually take the time to identify what truly matters to you, what lights you up. What do you love doing, talking about, etc. Then express yourself, maybe even with some of the things that came out in your values. If you love to dance, then dance. If you enjoy painting, walking in nature, baking, whatever it is….do it every once in a while. If you have to schedule it into your packed calendar, then make an appointment with yourself and name it something that makes you smile.
All of that leads me straight into the foundations of self-care. If you aren’t taking care of the foundation, the whole house is going to come crumbling down. Do not roll your eyes at me! 😊 This is so important, and it is so easy to put yourself last. You have to grow and nourish your body and soul if you want to show up the way you really want. This is not selfish; this is a guilt-free necessity!
I’m talking about the foundations because in my model of self-care there are 6 categories, mostly of equal importance. However, nothing works if you don’t have the foundation in place. If you want better physical health, mental health, emotional resilience, less stress, better sleep, more patience, and a little more joy, this is the basic groundwork. The foundations include sleep, nutrition, and movement.
Sleep is the first piece. Do not mess with my sleep. This is a non-negotiable. What happens to you when you don’t get enough sleep? We know what the science says. You have trouble focusing, learning, reacting. You feel frustrated and cranky. If the deprivation is consistent over time you have a higher chance of dealing with anxiety, depression, weight management, and illness.
I know what happens to me. I’m mean. I have zero patience. And I feel dumb as a box of rocks because my thoughts and sentences aren’t as quick and probably not coherent. This is an area that I keep very tight boundaries on, no options. My sleep hygiene is spot on because I’ve spent years learning what works for me. My room is dark and cool. I spend some downtime before it’s time to sleep, that might be reading, it might be doing breathwork, it might be meditation, it might even be journaling. The “what” changes but it is consistent. TV is a hard no for me. I’m not sure if my husband even realizes that the TV in our bedroom isn’t connected to anything but he feels better knowing it’s there so it’s just a decoration at this point.
Getting good and routine sleep will make you much more effective and efficient. You’ll have the energy to handle the things coming at you.
The second piece is nutrition. I’m not asking you to do anything crazy here. You don’t have to be a vegan. You don’t have to live a ketogenic lifestyle. You don’t have to pick an all or nothing on anything, unless you want to and you enjoy that. What I’m asking you to do is make the best choices that you can as often as you can. Remember that this is the only body you get. Inform yourself and respect your body. My suggestions is eat real food and avoid packaged crap whenever you can. Incorporate fruits and veggies in your meals. Plan ahead and drink plenty of water. Focus on what you can have, what makes you feel good first. Fill in with the ‘special treats’ or others after that.
Finally, move your body. Once again I’m not asking you to undertake some ridiculous exercise program. Don’t complicate this, just move your body. If you like walking, walk. If you like running, run. If you like lifting weights, lift. Optimally, when you’re ready try to mix up the cardio and strength training. I will also tell you that so many women shy away from strength training. Don’t be afraid of it, it is one of the best things you can do for your body, for weight management, for balance, and your mental health.
Over the next couple of months, as I prepare to launch my first book, I’m going to be focusing on the categories of self-care. I’ll be sharing bite size nuggets like this to help you incorporate what feels good and will be helpful so you can prioritize yourself, for your balance and your wellbeing. This my friend brings you transformation and personal growth which is your direct life line to fulfillment.
Take a deep breath, feel the power of self-discovery coming your way.
For extra support:
My first podcast will launch September 3! It will be on the major platforms on Tuesday mornings. The first episode is a meditation to support this month’s blog.
Affirmation: I am enough. Taking care of myself makes me stronger, healthier, and happy.
Essential Oil: Lavender. This oil is calming and can aid in sleep. Super for the focus this month. Wear it, diffuse it, mix it with other oils. Whatever makes you happy.
New Service: Energy Insight & Alignment:
I love you,
