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The Power of a Mindset Shift: From Perfection to Progress

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

We’ve talked about it, you know it. We live in a world that idolizes perfection. We often get trapped in this endless pursuit of happiness. I don’t know about you but the constant strive for perfection mostly leads to defeat. Does this sound familiar? How about this: I’m getting up early everyday this week to get a full 1 hour workout in before the day starts. Then the alarm goes off. Maybe I get up, maybe I don’t. Maybe I work out each day, maybe I work out 1 day. But after missing even 1, I didn’t attain my goal so why bother??

By shifting our mindset from the impossible, the unattainable ideal of perfection, let's refocus on the concept of progress. Talk about liberating and giving yourself the key to truly unlocking your potential!! This mindset shift creates a supportive environment where you can thrive. Because, really, aren't 2 workouts better than none? And isn’t that exactly the advice you would give a friend? So. How do we make the shift?

  1. Embrace the Growth Mindset: Shifting from perfection to progress starts with adopting a growth mindset. What does that mean? In this case, rather than being fixated on achieving perfection in every endeavor, the focus becomes continuous learning, improvement, and resilience. It encourages us to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than achievement or failure. By embracing this mindset, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and untapped potential.

  2. Celebrating Small Wins: Perfection overlooks the significance of small achievements on the journey towards a larger goal. But progress acknowledges and even celebrates each step forward, no matter how small. By recognizing and appreciating those accomplishments, we build self-confidence and motivation. Who would have thought?! We can empower ourselves by reframing our perspective to see the progress as a series of milestones instead of this insane pursuit of all or nothing.

  3. Redefining Success: Just like it sounds, the word perfectionism dictates rigid standards of success that often prioritize external validation and societal expectations. Progress on the other hand encourages us to define success on our own terms. It shifts the focus from meeting others' expectations (hallelujah!) to align with our own personal values and aspirations. By redefining success, we can cultivate a sense of fulfillment and authenticity in our endeavors, leading to a greater sense of motivation, achievement, and empowerment!

  4. Embracing Imperfection as Growth: Hold on to your hat this one is a biggie! Perfectionism perpetuates the belief that any flaw or mistake diminishes our value or worth. But progress recognizes that imperfections are an inherent part of growth, improvement, and self-discovery. By embracing imperfection we allow ourselves to let go of the fear of failure and embrace the journey of continuous improvement. It encourages self-compassion, resilience, and a willingness to take risks that lead to growth. Again, exactly what we would encourage a friend to do.

  5. Creating a Supportive Network: Shifting from perfection to progress is not the easy path. It requires a supportive network that fosters empowerment and growth. Surround yourself with like minded individuals who value progress over perfection creating a safe space for you to share challenges, celebrate successes, and inspire each other. By collaborating and supporting one another, we can overcome the pressures of society and rise above!

This mindset shift from perfection to progress is one of my favorite areas for self-improvement. It is a powerful tool for our own empowerment and success. By embracing imperfections as opportunities for growth, and fostering a supportive network, we can break free from the confines of perfectionism. Through this shift, we can unleash our full potential, be better for it, and even create a life that aligns with your authentic self. Remember, progress is the key that opens the door to your personal and professional fulfillment and finding your sense of purpose.

Sometimes I think that I write these blog posts just for me. So often, they happen to be exactly what I need to hear!! 🙂 Is this what you needed today? Is there something I can help you with? Maybe hypnotherapy for an obstacle or challenge that you are facing or want to change or one on one coaching to help you achieve those goals and live your best life?? Get in touch - I can’t wait to work with you!

All the best,


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