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The Power of Release: Let Go, Learn, Love Yourself

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

As I wrap up the interviews from the Summit which I recently released – The Empower Her Self-Care Summit – with 12 incredible women who are all serving others all so they can feel better, be better, do better, I am overwhelmed with lots of emotions. Love – for all of the women who participated in the process, they really are extraordinary and are sharing so much light with the world. But also a little sadness. That comes from the simple realization that there is a reason this work is needed. Because we are living in a world that isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. So many of us are actively working through past traumas, we are currently living in less than ideal situations, or we just don’t understand why we aren’t happy and really, really just want to find that elusive happiness.  If any of that resonates, the summit is still open. It is completely free. The experts are sharing their time, their tools, their strategies, and a free gift. You just need to listen, learn, and lean in. Register here:

And of course, because this is how it ALWAYS happens – the oracle card and the spiritual almanac line up exactly as I would expect. That means we are going to spend October focusing on letting go of old attachments and using our own inner strength to move forward! The almanac essentially says that as we enter Fall, it is a time of letting go, clearing out space, and preparing for the quieter days of winter. There is a beautiful quote by LJ Vanier: "Let go of the attachments – keep the lessons". We’ll start with that and then get back to the oracle card!

Letting Go

Letting go isn’t usually something that comes easily or naturally. We often hold onto relationships, habits, or beliefs. At one time might have brought us comfort or security, even when they are no longer helpful. What we know though is that if you want to find your happiness, if you want to thrive, you need to release these attachments in order to move forward.

You’ll want to take time to reflect on what relationships, situations, beliefs or habits are holding you back. You can start with a walk, or meditation. Ask yourself just that question, and maybe a couple of others:

  • What relationships or situations are draining my energy?

  • Which beliefs or habits are not serving me in a positive way?

  • What emotional baggage am I carrying that's weighing me down?

  • What is holding me back from reaching my true potential?


Keep the Lesson and Release the Pain

Once you have identified what you need to release, remember even the worst of situations carry a lesson. Write down the experience, reflect on what you learned from it, express appreciation for the lesson, and finally, visualize yourself releasing the pain associated with the experience.

Letting Go of Emotional Attachments - Finding Inner Peace
Let Go

I just worked through this a couple of days ago. I knew there was something that was bothering me. I was feeling some resentment towards a relative for no apparent reason – something that comes and goes. I was struggling with talking about a new aspect of my work (reiki for dogs!) and knew that there was something within me that I needed to address. So guess what, I worked with one of the amazing energy workers from the Summit.

We easily identified the issue and at what age I picked it up. It was a feeling of unworthiness that came from an interaction with that loved one. I overheard her saying some things about me that weren’t very nice (I was about 8 years old and it had to do with me being incompetent and useless). I remember feeling terrible in the moment and apparently I held on to that feeling. I was able to release it in one sitting. I was also able to take the lessons that came from that release and incorporate them into what and who I want to be. That would be the inner strength that we’re going to talk about next, but it felt amazing and I love that I get to do that with all of you!

Tap into Your Inner Strength

The oracle card that I pulled for you this month is Rising Inner Strength. This is about not letting your pains, your hurts, your traumas turn you into anything other than what you want. I could have easily leaned into what I heard said about me and decided that was my truth and just turned into that person. But you all know me and know that isn’t how that’s going to go down. Instead, you get to decide that isn’t your truth. You aren’t what anyone else decides. True power isn’t about authority, it’s about rising from within. Focusing on your light, your truth, and being confident, with positive impact.

If you want to tap into this inner strength first, reflect and release, and then face it with resilience and grace. Practice daily affirmations, focus on activities that make you feel powerful and capable, and surround yourself with people that are supportive and empowering.

Then, you get to lean in. Determine what you need for your happiness and be brave enough to communicate those to the people who need to hear it. Make decisions that are based on your values, your happiness and are not made out of fear.

Love Yourself First

I know that it sounds so cliché but if you want to feel good about who you are and how you approach life, including your relationships and your work, you need to love on yourself first. It starts with ease and grace, caring for yourself unconditionally. It also includes taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. If you already started to make excuses about why that can’t happen you need to read it again! Your foundation, your confidence, your joy have to be in place before you can truly serve anyone or anything else.

You need to find what it is that resonates with you. It often comes in the form of quiet or physical movement. Meditation, journaling, walking, biking. Sometimes it is loud – singing and dancing. Other times it is about connection – spending a day with a partner or good friend, or even by yourself. Use any of those things to get grounded, to nourish your mind and body, to actively participate in things that bring you genuine joy.

Embrace the Journey

Remember that everyone moves at their own pace. The journey is yours. Embrace it with patience, compassion, curiosity, and most certainly grace. As you let go of the things that are no longer serving you, lean into your own strength, create space for new opportunities. You will find that your connections get deeper and more meaningful. You also will find that you gradually start showing up authentically and the world will love you for it.

Trust in yourself and your ability to move through this process, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for and you are worthy of all of the love and care that you can give yourself. I will also add that there are so many modalities and healers that can help you navigate this process. Whether you work with me or one of the wonderful women from the Summit, there is help here and ready for you. You won’t be sorry. Your family, your career, your community will all benefit from you being your best self. They deserve it. You deserve it.

For extra support:

The mediation to support this month is on the podcast:

Affirmation: I am right where I need to be. I let go of the past with ease to create space for new beginnings.

Essential Oil: Lemon Balm (Melissa). It can be used to promote intuition, emotional healing, the relief of stress and anxiety, and to clear the mind.

Crystal: Amethyst. This crystal helps you clear your mind and let go of emotional baggage. Hold it during meditation, keep it in your pocket, or just keep it near you.

Work with me: Either through 1:1 coaching or energy work, I’m here for you!

Reach out if you have any questions or just want to connect!

I love you,
Dr. Tanya B


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