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Your Perception Is Your Reality

Hey there, busy lady!

We know that life is hectic. We know that between our focus on work, family, friends, and everything else that we take on we constantly feel like we are running on a hamster wheel. There are a couple of things that I want us to focus on for the month of April that will help us lighten the load. Essentially, we need to stop letting life happen to us and start living the life we want. For the purpose that we want. And getting to the outcomes that we desire.

Let’s start with this: Your perception is your reality.

Full disclosure - this used to be a saying that I used to defend myself. Did you wrong me somehow or maybe that was just my thought? I would respond with something along the lines of if that’s how I perceived it, then obviously that is how it went down and is my reality. But….maybe what I should have been focused on was shifting to a more positive mindset so the outcome works for both of us.

Photo by Mathilda Khoo on Unsplash

Here’s a great example. About a year ago I was really struggling with knowing that I had this calling to empower women but not being sure what that meant or what to do or how to move forward. What I “knew” is that most of the people close to me - family, friends, and co-workers were not going to be supportive. I “knew” that my family was going to tell me that I’m crazy. I “knew” that by putting this out there for the world to see would jeopardize my current career. And you know what. Some of that was true - some of the people that I deeply love and respect said some things that weren’t very nice - along the lines of “shit’s getting deep in here and just don’t quit your job" (over and over again). If I was a different person (read not the most stubborn sister ever 🙂) I might have caved under the lack of belief and support.

But, what I actually found was that as I started making my mission public it has been overwhelmingly accepted and encouraged. People that I expected to give me a hard time lifted me up in the best way. People that had been negative started showing support - at least in their own way. I've been asked to speak to college classes, to student and public organizations, and to share tips with faculty. People stop me at events and when I am out and about to tell me that they read the blog or they really want to attend an event and that what I’m doing is sooo what they need.

That, my friends, is a prime example of why we should never, ever, ever decide what others are going to think. We should never allow what we’ve decided they should think to alter our own paths. Find your purpose, chart your course, and do your thing. Don’t worry about what other people are going to think about it. You do you, you be you, the world needs you!

Want to provide some power to your ability to do just that? Gratitude. You hear me say this ALL the time. It is a total game changer. When someone shows you support, thank them. “I appreciate that you find what I’m doing useful and encourage me”. When someone tells you why you’re crazy, thank them. “I appreciate your viewpoint and will give it some thought”. Then send them some love for feeling like they can express their viewpoint to you. That doesn’t mean that you change course, you just appreciate their opinion and send them positive energy.

At the end of the day, your perception is your reality. Lean in to your truth, your happiness. Do not let what you think others' reactions will be impact your outcomes. Choose to see the world in a positive light and you can change the world. Take a deep breath, smile, and remember - You’ve got this!!!

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All the best,


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