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Poppy Field

Redefining Radiance Course

Everything you need for Self-Care: Nurturing Your Body, Igniting Your Spirit, Unleashing Your Best Life

​To you, my amazing friend:


In the crazy of this world, the hustle and bustle of life you are no doubt, like so many amazing women, putting yourself on the backburner. You are juggling so many responsibilities, pouring your heart into taking care of everyone and everything else – your family, your friends, your colleagues, your community – leaving you exhausted, maybe on the edge of burnout, feeling overwhelmed and overworked. In the bigger picture of responsibilities, where do you fall in terms of priority? I know, I know, dead last.


Why this PowerPack is VITAL for your well-being:

You are the center of your universe, your well-being radiates into every aspect of your life. Can you even imagine waking up each day with a sense of joy, purpose, and fulfillment? Visualize it. It is time for you to redefine yourself, your radiance, by nurturing your body, igniting your spirit, and unleashing your best life. Empower yourself to reclaim your time, your energy, and your happiness.


The Pillars of Self-Care:

In this comprehensive workshop we will explore the 6 pillars of self-care:

  • The Foundation – It all starts with the physical body. How are you using sleep, nutrition, movement, and overall health to create a more vibrant you?

  • Emotional Intelligence – A deeper understanding of who you are and how you navigate the world around you will bolster your resilience and face life’s challenges.

  • Social Well-being – Cultivating meaningful connections and fostering a supportive network will uplift you and help you on this journey.

  • Lifestyle Harmony – Creating a life that aligns with your values and promotes balance will improve your satisfaction in every facet of your life.

  • Creative Expression – Tap into your creativity for a powerful tool for not only stress release but also self-discovery and joy.

  • Spiritual Connection – Nourish your soul with practices that resonate with your beliefs, bringing you a sense of purpose and inner peace

Comprehensive Workshop Content

Video Series

Let me, the content expert, guide you through each category of self-care. Unearth practical tips, manageable strategies, and inspiration that will inspire your unique journey.



Dive deep into self discovery and reflection with my beautiful, user-friendly workbook. This is your roadmap to understanding the categories of self-care, realize what you need or want to change, and have the actionable steps to implement those changes.


Custom Meditation

Immerse yourself in this custom meditation designed to help you overcome limiting beliefs or roadblocks that stop you from taking care of you. Find peace and release the stress associated with not feeling your best and instead lean into moving into your best self.


Digital Affirmation Poster

Elevate your space with this gorgeous affirmation poster. Use it as a screensaver, wallpaper, print it, or have it professionally printed. Whatever makes you happy. However you choose to use it will be a daily reminder of your worth and importance. Cultivate your vibe to nourish your soul. 

$44 is the Best Investment You'll Make In Yourself Today!

Embark on a journey of self-love and empowerment. Buy this exclusive self-care workshop to unlock the radiant, joyful, fulfilled woman that you truly are. All because when you care for yourself, you are better equipped to care for everyone and everything around you.


For a very limited time I am including a special gift - A 15 minute strategy call with me!!! You know that you can't resist 15 minutes of my undivided attention and guidance. :-) 

Purchase Now for only $44!

Check your email for your workshop information!

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